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All sorts of creations involving defMON.


There are a bunch of work tunes included when you download newer versions of the defMON music editor. Nevertheless, I want to encourage you to keep uploading work tunes here, so people can keep learning from others' work. (To upload stuff, log in, then click “edit this page” in the sidebar to the right on this page and then, once you're in the actual editor, press the icon that looks like a framed painting to get into file upload thingy. You may need to zip the file before uploading.) Don't forget to add credits!

Packed tunes

Check out what other people have made in defMON. Check out the defMON tunes in the HVSIDS collection at the Deepsid site. You can play them directly in your browser.

More defMON sids, not available in the HVSIDS collection:

C64 productions with defMON music

  • My Beauty - The first released production to contain defMON music
  • In Memory of - Another demo by Hollowman with Goto80 music
  • Music disk - …named “_​|​ ̄​|​○”, by Goto80
  • NGC 1277 - A demo by Samar Productions with defMON music by F7sus4


A hardware cartridge released as a GOTO80 album on Datadoor, where defMON was used to create the music.

Various stuff on Youtube

creations/creations.txt · Last modified: 2020/11/05 10:38 by frantic